At Warnock Family Law in Las Vegas, Nevada, we understand how sensitive custody decisions can be. According to the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, all state courts have some form of "the best interest of the child" standard in their decisions. As such, substance abuse can heavily influence a judge’s verdict.
When a parent struggles with substance abuse, it raises concerns about the child’s safety and well-being, and that directly impacts custody arrangements. Our role is to help parents handle this process with a clear understanding of how substance abuse can affect custody outcomes.
How Substance Abuse Is Assessed
When there’s evidence of substance abuse, the court may order evaluations to assess the severity of the problem. This can include drug and alcohol testing, substance abuse assessments, or even requiring a parent to complete a treatment program.
The judge wants to determine if the parent’s substance use is ongoing or if they’re making efforts to overcome it. Parents who demonstrate a willingness to seek help and make positive changes often fare better in custody decisions.
The court may take into account whether a parent is actively participating in rehabilitation programs, attending counseling, or complying with any court-ordered treatment. Showing a commitment to change can help a parent maintain or regain custody rights.
Types of Custody Affected by Substance Abuse
Substance abuse can affect both legal and physical custody. Legal custody refers to a parent’s right to make important decisions about their child’s education, healthcare, and overall welfare. Physical custody, on the other hand, refers to where the child lives and which parent provides day-to-day care.
When substance abuse is involved, the court may decide that it’s not in the child’s best interest for the affected parent to have legal or physical custody. In some cases, the court may award sole custody to the parent who isn’t struggling with substance abuse.
This means that one parent has both legal and physical custody of the child, while the other parent may have limited or supervised visitation rights. The judge may also place specific conditions on visitation, such as requiring that visits occur in the presence of a neutral third party or at a designated facility.
Supervised Visitation and Substance Abuse
Supervised visitation is a common outcome in cases where a parent’s substance abuse raises safety concerns. The court might require that a neutral third party be present during visits to secure the child’s safety.
Supervised visitation allows the parent struggling with substance abuse to maintain a relationship with their child while providing a safe environment for those interactions. The court might require regular progress reports to monitor the parent's recovery.
The goal of supervised visitation is to allow the parent an opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to change and rebuild trust with their child. If the parent can show sustained progress in overcoming substance abuse, the court may eventually consider modifying the visitation arrangement to allow unsupervised visits.
Evidence of Substance Abuse in Custody Cases
When substance abuse is alleged in a custody decisions, it’s important to present credible evidence that clearly demonstrates the impact on the parent's ability to care for the child. Common types of evidence include:
Police reports: Documentation of any incidents involving law enforcement can provide a clear record of substance abuse. These reports often include details that highlight potential risks to the child.
Witness statements: Testimonies from friends, family, or others who have observed the parent's behavior can help substantiate claims. Witnesses may provide specific examples of concerning behavior or incidents that suggest substance abuse.
Medical records: Proof of substance abuse treatment or health issues related to drug or alcohol use. Medical records may also document any progress in rehabilitation efforts.
Drug and alcohol testing results: Court-ordered or voluntary tests showing the presence of substances. Consistent negative test results can support a parent's case for increased custody or visitation rights.
In some cases, one parent may accuse the other of substance abuse to gain an advantage in the custody battle. False allegations can backfire if they’re proven untrue. The court takes substance abuse claims seriously, and any accusations must be backed by solid evidence.
Rehabilitation and Its Impact on Custody
For parents struggling with substance abuse, seeking treatment is a critical step. Rehabilitation can have a significant impact on custody decisions, as it demonstrates a commitment to change and a desire to provide a stable environment for the child.
Parents who complete treatment programs, attend counseling, and stay sober have a better chance of retaining or regaining custody. The court may require proof of successful completion of a rehabilitation program or ongoing participation in support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA).
Maintaining sobriety over time is key to showing the court that the parent is capable of providing a safe and nurturing environment for their child. Positive progress in rehabilitation can lead to increased custody or visitation rights over time.
Protecting the Child's Well-Being
The well-being of the child is the driving force behind any custody decisions. The court’s role is to protect the child from potential harm while allowing them to maintain a meaningful relationship with both parents whenever possible.
If substance abuse poses a risk to the child’s safety, the court will take steps to limit the affected parent’s access until they can demonstrate a change in behavior. Parents who are concerned about their child’s safety due to the other parent’s substance abuse should document any incidents that raise concern, such as signs of intoxication.
Keeping a record of behaviors, missed visitations, or any other issues related to substance abuse can provide valuable evidence in court. It’s important to act in the child’s best interest and be proactive in addressing any potential risks.
Steps Parents Can Take to Address Substance Abuse
If substance abuse is affecting your custody case, there are several steps you can take to address the issue and improve your chances of a favorable outcome. Some key steps include:
Seek professional help: Enroll in a treatment program or attend support groups to demonstrate your commitment to change. Completing a reputable program can show the court you're taking the issue seriously.
Establish a support network: Lean on family, friends, or community resources for emotional and practical support throughout your recovery. A strong support network can help maintain stability during challenging times.
Maintain stability: Secure a stable job, create a safe home environment, and avoid negative influences to improve your ability to care for your child. Stability is crucial in demonstrating your readiness to be a responsible caregiver.
It’s also helpful to establish a support network. Family members, friends, or community resources can provide emotional and practical support as you work through recovery. Having a stable support system can make a big difference in your ability to stay on track and provide a safe environment for your child.
If You’re Facing a Custody Decision, Reach Out to Us
Substance abuse can significantly impact custody decisions in Nevada, but it doesn’t mean that a parent will lose all rights to their child. We work closely with parents to support them in taking the steps needed to protect their children. Call our attorney, Patricia H. Warnock, Esquire at Warnock Family Law for help on any family law issues.