There are various factors that determine child support. For example, the type of physical custody one has can determine the amounts of child support payments, and who pays it. Factors like, which parent gets child support payments and how much each parent gets, are all parts to the puzzle and are based on income and physical custody.
• Once jurisdiction is established (six (6) months residency in a specific state according to the Nevada UCCJEA)
• A parent has children legally in their custody.
• That parent can either file for custody with the family court or child support with the child support courts.
Determination of custody is different than who has to pay child support, but both can process through the family court.
Some people think that if parents are sharing relatively equal custody, neither parent has to pay child support. That is not necessarily true. Child support is determined on how much money one makes and is basically used as an equalizer so that the children have a similar living quality or lifestyle at each parent’s home. This helps so that children don’t want to just go to the parent who makes more money or has the bigger house.
Child support is then determined by the parents’ incomes. The Courts use a financial disclosure form to determine how much each parent makes and then sometimes they get set-offs for various reasons, such as whether they have children from another relationship that they are caring for or paying for; are they up to date on their payments, or do they owe arrears for non-payments or late payments? The courts will also look to your pay stubs, and sometimes your taxes, even if you are the custodial parent.
At Warnock Family Law, our focus is Child Custody. Children are the most vulnerable members of our society, and are often neglected in family disputes. Sometimes parents try to turn their children against the other party in these disputes. It is up to you and your attorney to ensure this does not happen to you or your family.
Warnock Family Law is an advocate, not only for you, but also for your children.
We invite you to fill out an information form about your case to qualify for a 10-minute FREE phone consultation with us. We can then assess the specifics of your case and advise you how to proceed, whether or not you decide to retain us. We will make sure you understand your rights and how to move forward to protect your most valuable assets, your children.
Thank you for visiting today.
Patricia Warnock Esq.
Warnock Family Law
Warnock Family Law is located in Las Vegas, Nevada. Our primary goal is to protect your rights and to make sure that we are there to help. If you would like to arrange a free, discreet, confidential consultation. Just click here