When it comes to joint custody, there may be a question of how child support is paid and who will pay it since the child is spending close to the same amount of time with each parent. Knowing exactly what to expect in terms of payments from your ex or what is expected of you will help keep communication with your ex strictly business and all about the wellbeing of your child. If your physical custody arrangement is joint, you are both fit parents and now the last details will be worked out. Financial issues can cause stress and anxiety. Keeping calm and trusting the system and your well-seasoned family law attorney will help you maintain your cool while working out child support.
Having joint custody means that you share physical custody of your child as well as legal custody. Likely, you will have a room for your child in your home, and you will pay for their needs when they are with you. But if your child needs to go to the hospital or has other needs while they are with your ex, this does not mean you don’t have to pay when it comes to expenses. There is a way of calculating who pays child support even in a joint custody situation so that your child is always thoroughly financially supported in every situation.
How Is Child Support Calculated in A Joint Custody Situation?
To see who will be paying child support when there is joint custody, each parent’s income will be calculated as if separate, to see how much child support they would receive from the opposite parent based on their incomes. Each side’s gross monthly income is used to determine child support amounts. Depending on how many children you have, your percentage is calculated, then the other side’s percentage is calculated. Then the lower number is deducted from the higher number to determine who pays who and how much. The courts will order that the child will be fully financially supported. The type of custody determines how that is spread out between parents. Having an experienced family law attorney on your side during all deciding processes of a child custody agreement will give you the comfort of knowing you will get help to understand the financial aspect when it comes to paying child support. For Las Vegas residents in need of a family law council, give Warnock Family Law a call today.