Child custody disputes can be emotional and difficult for both parents and the children involved. While during the custody battle, both parents still need to be able to see their children until the dispute is settled. Visitation arrangements must be made so that both parents have access to their children.
Many states, like Nevada, require parents to attend a meeting with a neutral third party to discuss how to develop a schedule of timeshare that keeps the best interest of the children the top priority. This meeting between both parents and a neutral third party is called mediation and takes place before going to trial over custody of the child.
If parents cannot find common ground during mediation and are unable to come to a mutual decision about visitation, they may need to go to court and allow a judge to decide the timeshare. What is best for the child should remain at the forefront of any decision made. The court will review the case and help parents decide, based on the child’s best interest.
Creating a Parenting Plan
If mediation is successful, the mediator will help you draft a parenting plan. Your visitation schedule is outlined in this parenting plan, and it also details all decision-making responsibilities and specifics involving childcare so that you know exactly what is required of you and when you can be with your child. The court must approve of your parenting plan once both parents agree to all the details. This can even be a partial agreement if the parents can agree to some, but not all specifics. For example, the parents might agree to joint legal custody and a holiday schedule, but still need help determining the standard weekly schedule.
If the court approves of the plan, it will become an order of the court, making it legally binding to both parents.
Each state varies on the process of how to agree on a visitation arrangement between parents. Consulting with a family law attorney who is familiar with custody laws in your state will ensure that you get the personalized guidance that you need. If you live in Nevada, Warnock Family Law can help guide you through the process of arranging visitation for you and your ex so that your child’s needs are prioritized during this difficult and stressful time.